Living Systems Institute

Post-doctoral Fellowships

The LSI aspires to nurture the next generation of interdisciplinary researchers and will support talented individuals to obtain fellowships at all stages of progression from PhD to independent investigator. If you are interested in applying for a post-doctoral fellowship, or a fellowship to transition to independence, please contact directly your prospective host and sponsor among LSI Principal Investigators.

Post-doctoral fellowship schemes that you may be eligible to apply for include:

• BBSRC Discovery
• EMBO Post-doctoral Fellowship Fellowships, grants and career support – Postdoctoral Fellowships – EMBO
 EPSRC Post-Doctoral Fellowship
• HFSP Post-doctoral Fellowship Postdoctoral Fellowships | Human Frontier Science Program (
• Marie Sklodowska-Curie
• NC3Rs Training Fellowship
• Royal Society Newton International Fellowship
• Wellcome Trust Early Career Award

PhD Studentships

The next round for the LSI PhD Studentships will start in late Autumn 2022.

University Funded Group Leader Posts

LSI plans recruitments from summer 2022 for University-funded posts in interdisciplinary Stem Cell Biology and allied Synthetic Biology and Bioengineering.  You may register interest via email:

Please include the following:

• Contact details
• Brief statement of research interests